Value of a MOMENT

Ever wondered whats the value of a Moment? Ask a person on his death bed or a person who is seeing his death every moment from the time he knows he may die between now and NOW. Remember the movie ANAND... where he sees his death every moment.  This thought just came to my mind. If we live our lives as if we have just one moment to live, how would we live it?

Would we then be so self centered around our EGO? Would we have ego fights with the people around us? Would we spend time about criticising about things in life? Would we complain about how unfair life has been to us? Would we spend time running about making money and becoming more powerful physically or otherwise?

Or would we like to spend that moment, making an impact on others which transforms their life? Or look and appriceate things around us and be thankful to God for being able to do so? Or enjoy the moment and feel blessed for being alive in that Moment??

Any thoughts?


Ajay said...

very emotive lines.....

shailap said...

Very is not about milestones,its about moments.....