Manasarovar - A legacy that India lost

The other day i was seeing a programme on Kailas Manasarovar yatra. Apart from the breath taking views and the spiritual aspect, the other prominent factor that struck me was about the Legacy that India lost. This happened when the person started to explain how to reach Kailas Manasarovar. He said that we have to reach there through TIBET which is now controlled by CHINA. But when you look around this place has abundant natural resources - Brahmaputra Originates here, All the Snow covered Peaks of the Himalayan Ranges, The Manasarovar Lake itself and abundance of Minerals in forms of rocks etc.

The old Sages of India were well versed with the knowledge of the Geological information about India covering the length and breadth of the subcontinent. One of the Famous examples which i have seen with my own eyes are the 22 wells found in the temple of Rameshwaram. The legend has after coming back from his victory over Ravana, Rama was advised by the Sages to do penance for Bramhana Hatya (Ravana was a Bramhana) and needed water from various rivers for the same. Rama then created these wells which filled up with the waters of various Rivers of India by firing his arrows into the soil. But if you visit the place you can see that Rameshwaram is a small island which has been surrounded by sea from all sides. There is no major lake or river or even a small canal that has water. Most of the area is full of sand and only coconut grooves are found. The sages understood the geological strata of the place and then got these wells dug at places where, through natural process the sea water lost its salinity and fresh water was made available. Even though lakhs and lakhs of people offer pilgrimage year after year and bathe in the water from those wells, these wells continue to have potable water through out the year.

Similarly from the programme i could see that there was a natural abundance from nature in the region of Kailas Manasarovar. In order to preserve the legacy for generations to come and also to ensure that Greed of Mankind does not destroy the richness of the areas, they spun around stories of GODs and made them holy for generations to use and get benefited. They also revered the resources provided by Nature. Hence even though the place is difficult to reach, they ensured that a pilgrimage was made important for people to visit these places in the hope of attaining MOKSHA.

But the people who ruled India in the past and are ruling today, feel that this information that is available to us in form of Legends are useless. Not even a few would have gone and visited those places. And without understanding these things how would they even make an attempt to secure it?? I know, my flow is lost. I am right now getting so many feelings of anger, rebellion, etc that these emotions are choking my thought process. Will be back with more......