Remember HIM - Simple isnt it??

Today while walking to office in the morning, i was wondering what am i good at? I just listed a few things and a lot more came to my mind where i may not be even good at! As i was pondering over this, suddenly i realised i was, for that matter everyone  is, good at one Universal thing. Thats remembering GOD.

I suddenly remember when at times i felt i was on the top of the world having achieved something, I remembered GOD and when i hit a nadar in my life I remembered GOD. Many a times i did remembered HIM so as to bribe him to get some material things!!

From time immemorial, Saints have been saying "Remember HIM". Infact in Marathi many saints have said UTHATHA RAM, BASTA RAM, CHALTA RAM, BOLTA RAM, KAAM KARTANA RAM (While Standing, Sitting, Walking, Talking, Working just remember RAM).

Simple isn't it??